
Meet the Team

Chantelle Knight
CEO / Founder
Head Neurodiversity Coach & Care Coordinator

Chantelle is the CEO and Founder of Neurodiverselife, you can read her story here. Within NeurodiverseLIFE her roles include:
  • Lead coach and care coordination.
  • Educational and corporate trainer.
  • Webinar and seminar host - covering global events.
Chantelle works across all areas of neurodiversity though specialises in:
  • Sleep and circadian rhythm
  • Neurodiversity the menstrual cycle & female hormones
  • Neuroscience & neurobiology of the neurodiverse mind - why our neurodiverse brains do what they do and, (more significantly) why they don’t do the things they don’t do!
  • Neuroplasticity - understanding the role of neuroplasticity and how to rewire neural pathways, creating positive change
  • Harnessing flow-state (channelling hyper-focus at will!)
FNd Education University of Portsmouth
Post Graduate studies Psychology
PG Dip Clinical Psychiatry University of Cardiff
MSc Neuroscience and the Paychology of Mental Health University of Warwick (current study)
Jamian Khopkar
NDL Vice President
Self Mastery and Consciousness Coach

Jamian Khopkar works within the field of Transpersonal Psychology and is our Self Mastery and Consciousness coach. Essentially, this field of coaching focuses on who we are at the core of ourselves, bringing us through self exploration, to an "innerstanding".

Jamian has an extensive history in a wide range of holistic practices - he is a breathwork practitioner, mens mental health specialist with a keen interest in sound and frequency healing.
Jamian is currently completing psychotherapy and autism coaching qualifications as well as in-house neurodiversity training.

With his abundance of skills in consciousness coaching, human nature, self-mastery and neurodiversity, Jamian incorporates eastern philosophies and principles, blending them with current western neuroscience and psychology to help people thrive by achieving a “positive inner atmosphere”.
Terry Devine
NDL Lead Coach
Addiction & Recovery
Healthy Habits

Terry is a Senior Lead Coach at NeurodiverseLIFE where he uses his impressive repertoire of skills and qualifications as a multidisciplinary coach in the following areas:

Addiction Recovery Coach (CCAR)
Clinical Addiction Hypnotherapist
NLP certified practitioner BSc Forensic science
MSc Advanced Forensic Analysis

Terry provides the following services:
  • Addiction and recovery coaching, covering a wide range of issues (including but not exclusive to)
  • food
  • spending
  • substances
  • alcohol
  • gambling
  • risk taking behaviours
  • …and otherwise excessive, compulsive, impulsive and / or obsessional behaviours.
Terry is also currently undertaking in-house neurodiversity training, specialising in coaching on aspects of executive function, building healthy habits and impulsivity.

Additionally, as a certified hypnotherapy practioner, Terry can provide hypnotherapy services on request.

For more information regarding these services email: support@neurodiverselife.co.uk

Sharon is an award-winning, certified menopause coach, personal trainer, and yoga teacher. Diagnosed with ADHD during perimenopause and, more recently, with ASD, she is acutely aware of the impact of female hormones on neurodiverse individuals. Her extensive expertise in mental, physical, and spiritual strategies enables a holistic approach to managing the symptoms and risks associated with the menopause transition and continuing into post-menopausal life.

Sharon is deeply passionate about helping others overcome self-limiting beliefs and behaviours and finding a way of living that supports both menopause and the neurodiverse brain. Sharon is also currently undertaking our in-house neurodiversity training to expand her knowledge in neurodiversity coaching further, specialising in sleep and circadian rhythm support for ADHD and autism. Sharon delivers sessions on:
  • ADHD / ASD and the menopause
  • Female Hormones and ADHD
  • Sleep and Circadian Rhythm (ADHD / ASD)
Daniel Armitage
CEO of Neuro-Sparks Business Solutions

Daniel is another of our incredible collaboration partnerships and provides an astonishing amount of business development, coaching and training services including bespoke virtual assistant packages created by neurodiverse people for neurodiverse people.
His field of expertise includes using specific neurodiverse friendly tools to teach and support planning, prioritising, procrastination, task-blasting and accountability coaching.

Dan’s qualifications include:

INLPTA Master NLP Practitioner
ILM Executive Coach and Mentor
TAP accredited corporate trainer Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) Level 6 Business Financial Planning
Mental Health First Aider

Additionally, Dan is currently completing a post graduate university qualification (PG Cert) in neurodiversity.
With these proven techniques and exceptional professional skills, Dan is the organisational coach to our very own CEO!
Children and Families Neurodiversity Coach
Bringing a plethora of skills and experience to her role as an educational outreach neurodiversity coach, specialising in children, families and relationships, Carlene’s background consists of:
  • Crisis Team – Deputy Manager
  • Social Worker
  • ADHD Assessment Diagnostic Profiler
With a degree in social care, qualifications from the ADHD Foundation and her expansive life experience, Carlene works alongside children, young people and families across:
  • Primary and secondary education settings
  • Homeschooling
  • Virtual Schools
  • Alternative Provisions
  • Youth Offending Teams
  • Community Youth settings
Diagnosed with ADHD herself, Carlene leans into her lived experience, complimenting her impressive professional experience and academic qualifications. She is also available to book privately for reduced-cost family sessions – for more information about these contact us.
Lucy Moore

Lucy wears several hats here at NDL including:
  • PA to CEO
  • Apprentice Neurodiversity Coach
  • Collaborative Educational County Lines Facilitator
  • ADHD Gut-Brain Axis Coach
Using practices such as Mbraining (a focus on the gut-brain link), combined with neurodiversity training, Lucy will teach you how to create all the healthy chemicals needed for a functional body and mind, covering subjects such as food for thought and cognition, food for mood, food for fatigue and food for female hormones in neurodiverse friendly ways!

Lucy holds a BSc in Criminal Justice from the University of Westminster, is currently completing her tier one in-house training as an apprentice neurodiversity coach and holds level 2 and 3 county lines qualifications, facilitating training across education on CCE.