Coaching and Education – coaching and educational training for staff, parents, teachers, and young people, providing insight into the ADHD mind. Absolutely crucial to the future success of ADHD individuals it to understand how the ADHD mind learns and operates.
Understanding how to use the Neurodiverse Mind - providing practical strategies to nurture ADHD minds, taking them from barely coping to fully thriving – this section seeks to introduce and embed a whole school approach to inclusive and diverse teaching and understanding as well as strategies to thrive at home and in the wider community – now and in the future.
SEN to ZEN – The term special educational needs in respect of ADHD is outdated and inaccurate. ADHD is a difference in cognition, not something that can be trained, forced, punished or rewarded to operate like its neurotypical counterparts. In this section we underpin your developing knowledge of ADHD and offer an understanding of the history and methodology of holistic practices to support with self-regulation skills, including how to incorporate these correctly into modern day lifestyles to promote a positive inner atmosphere for ADHD beings.
Nutrition, Exercise and Sleep – The three most beneficial and powerful ways to naturally support ADHD are directly within our reach daily and yet so drastically overlooked! Sleep, nutrition and exercise can shape and maximise the affects of ADHD for their best – and for their worst. Understanding the role of physical activity on the brain, nutrition for cognition and circadian rhythm is vital for living, learning and thriving in an ADHD lifestyle.